Dr. Pawel W. Majewski

I studied at the University of Warsaw where I earned an MSc in Physical Chemistry (2007) and, one year later, in Molecular Biology. In 2008, I joined the group of Prof. Osuji at Yale University where I pursued my PhD research, studying the interactions of strong magnetic fields with soft materials. After graduation, I joined the Center for Functional Nanomaterials at Brookhaven National Laboratory where I worked with Dr. Kevin Yager and Dr. Charles Black on development of photo-thermal methods for directing self-assembly of block copolymer thin films. Recently, I have obtained a prestigious fellowship – Polonez, funded by National Science Center (NCN) under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement and returned to the University of Warsaw. Here, I am starting my independent research as an assistant professor and a leader of a new soft-materials research group whose establishment is generously funded by the Foundation for Polish Science under the First Team grant program.