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Przemysław Puła participated in 22nd International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition in Belgium.


Przemysław Puła and Filip Powała participated in NanoTech conference at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


Pawel Majewski was a guest of “From the Other Planet” – a program hosted by Łukasz Badowski from the RDC Polish Radio.

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Dr. Majewski receives a National Science Center grant –  Sonata Bis. Congratulations!


In December Arek Leniart achieved a top title in chess and can be officially called Grandmaster. Congratulations!


Congratulations to Przemyslaw Pula on receiving a National Science Center grant PRELUDIUM!


Arek and Pawel visited Brookhaven National Laboratory in order to carry out a series of GISAXS experiments. At the same time they performed initial tests regarding high power IR fiber laser in the previously built setup.


Today Przemek has successfully defended his Master thesis “Multilayered inorganic nanomaterials obtained by SIS in block copolymer matrices”. Congratulations!


Andrzej, Arek and Przemek participated in 3rd International conference on Advanced polymer materials and Nanocomposites at the University of Aveiro – Portugal.


Marta, Andrzej and Przemek participated in the 16th Warsaw Seminar of Doctoral Chemists.


Andrzej, Przemek and Pawel had pleasure to be participants of the 3rd Interdisciplinary FNP Conference, which took place on 11-12 April in Warsaw.


Recently Arek and Pawel travelled to the Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA in order to perform GISAXS experiments on synchrotron with Dr Kevin Yager. Moreover, a new custom made setup was assembled in Complex Materials Scattering (CMS) beamline.


Przemek took part in a Young Researchers’ Symposium held in the Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw. In his presentation he told about his results concerning multilayered heterostructures using block copolymer templates.


Our lab member, Marta, had an opportunity to participate in the Open Readings conference, hosted in Vilnius, Lithuania. She gave an impressive talk about her research regarding organisation of liquid crystals on block copolymer thin films.


During last weekend we took part in the Science Festival, where we presented experiments with soap bubbles. Participants were introduced with the methods of thickness measurement. What is more, they were supposed to create extraordinary bubble shapes.


This October we had an honour to host again prof. Richard Spontak from North Carolina State University. He shared with us his broad knowledge and experience in the polymer field during daily routine as well as during the course “”Recent Advances in the Design and Characterization of Polymer Systems Based on Block Copolymers”. This visit was possible to realize within the Visiting Professor Programme conducted by Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CNBCh).


Our group participated 20-21 September the EMRS Fall Meeting, which took place in Warsaw, Poland. Andrzej and Przemek presented their results on posters, while Arek and Karolina had oral presentations. Also, taking advantage of the opportunity Dr. Kevin Yager from Brookhaven National Laboratory has visited our lab, where we discussed details of future collaboration.


During last semester our laboratory participated in a project – The Young Chemist University (pl. Uniwersytet Młodego Chemika). We invited two students – Karolina and Wojtek- from Stefan Batory Lyceum in Warsaw and Stanislaw Staszic Lyceum in Warsaw respectively. After several months we managed to present our results at a Conference of the Young Chemist University.

Congratulations to Wojtek on an award for the 2nd best poster!


Congratulations to Karolina on a Young Researcher Award in recognition of best oral presentation in 15th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnology, 3-6 July 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.


We had a great pleasure to host prof. Richard Spontak in our laboratory today. We would like to thank for inspiring lecture and interesting conversations.


Congratulations to Arek on an award for his presentation during 2nd Doctoral Symposium of Nanotechnology “NanoMat” in Lodz (Poland).


Congratulations to Karolina Lempicka on reception of a scholarship from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Outstanding Academic Achievements! Well done Karolina.


Poszukiwany wykonawca: Pomiary mobilności ładunków w filmach polimerowych metodą TOF. Szczegóły w ogłoszeniu.


Congratulations to Aneta Leniart and Arkadiusz Leniart on defending their MSc theses!

Dr. Pawel W. Majewski

Marie Curie Fellowship

Self-assembled soft materials such as liquid crystals and block copolymers, thanks to their extraordinary ability to assemble into ordered periodic nanostructures are an elegant realization of Feynman’s bottom-up fabrication strategy. Our group contributes to the fundamental studies of soft materials with a focus on directed self-assembly and engineering novel functional nanostructured systems. Specifically, this group will develop novel techniques for accelerated directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs), study the formation of novel, non-conventional motifs in BCPs, and exploit these systems as smart functional materials (switchable membranes for ion conduction or filtration) and synthetic templates for functional nanostructures (sensors, multi-functional catalytic materials).